
6月- 07 - 2022




We are pleased to announce our dual-system Maternity and Newborn care model that lets pregnant patients get prenatal care (up to 36 weeks) at Plumas 农村保健中心 and then deliver in a neighboring hospital. 在怀孕早期,足球外围最靠谱的平台的团队帮助每位患者决定分娩的地点. Our Pregnancy Care Coordinators work one-on-one to help ensure a smooth transfer of care to the delivering hospital of your choice.

一旦孩子出生, 当地家庭可以在足球外围最靠谱的平台位于昆西的办公室恢复所有的护理. 足球外围最靠谱的平台提供所有新生儿护理,并可以照顾所有妈妈的产后需求. 产妇和新生儿服务包括:

  • 孕期全程服务
    • 产前
    • 糖尿病管理
    • 胎儿无压力试验
    • 常规实验室检测
    • 超声波
  • 新生儿全方位护理
    • 48小时新生儿检查
    • 新生儿体重检查
    • 治疗黄疸
    • 包皮环切术
    • 母乳喂养和婴儿喂养支持
  • 妈妈产后护理
    • 避孕
    • 妇科服务
  • 分娩类
  • 24/7的妈妈 & 婴儿线支持线

了解更多足球外围平台足球外围最靠谱的平台双系统母婴护理模式的问题, 请致电530-283-5640



足球外围最靠谱的平台正在探索“另类生育中心”(ABC)的可行性。, 根据《足球外围最靠谱的平台》规定设立的加州医疗保健机构 & 安全法规§1204.3. 除了HSC§1204.3要求, the Alternative Birthing Center must meet national certification standards established by the American Association of Birth Centers (AABC), 并获得加州公共卫生部(CDPH)的许可.

许多人问,“既然足球外围最靠谱的平台不得不暂停产科服务,PDH怎么能考虑生育中心呢??“在分娩中心,护理是在助产和健康模式中提供的. 在这个模型中, 助产士:助产士或医生, 还有第二个助产士, 在主动分娩时是否一直有人看护. This is in contrast to PDH’s previous paradigm: acute obstetric/newborn care provided by a team of registered nurses specializing in labor and delivery and the physician.

It is the midwifery model that makes the Birth Center a viable prospect for many of Plumas County’s expectant mothers. 同样重要的是要注意, that this effort acknowledges that a number of Plumas County pregnancies will not fit the midwifery model. We are seeking to establish a model that allows these expectant mothers to receive prenatal care at the Plumas 农村保健中心 until 36 weeks and then deliver at a partnering hospital.

足球外围最靠谱的平台目前的计划包括探索其他潜在的地点,包括校内和校外. 一个潜在的计划也可能涉及模块化建筑.

Updates regarding the development of the alternative birthing center will continue to be posted on this page. 



今天, team members across Plumas区医院's departments formed a Task Force to explore the development of an Alternative Birthing Center. The proposed birthing center model would be freestanding, not a part of the main hospital campus. Care is provided in the midwifery and wellness model; during which 助产士:助产士或医生 is in constant attendance during active labor. The location of the birthing center will be within a 10 minute driving distance of the main hospital. The model will use the national standards found in the American Association of Birth Centers (AABC).

Updates regarding the new program’s development will be shared periodically throughout the diversion.



请参阅以下JoDee Read在6月7日致社区的信的更新, 宣布足球外围平台的产科服务将于9月1日停止, 2022.
今天, 中午, Plumas区医院 held a public board meeting to provide a space for hospital staff and community members to share their comments regarding OB services. 会议期间,足球外围最靠谱的平台的工作人员和产科医生表达了他们的悲伤, 支持, 对所有受转移治疗影响的病人表示同情.

经过足球外围最靠谱的平台医院工作人员的持续讨论, 董事会和高级管理层, Plumas区医院 will use this time of diversion to work to develop a sustainable delivery program for mothers, 婴儿, 以及足球外围最靠谱的平台社区的家庭.
直到一个新的项目被开发出来, 普拉马区医院将继续提供围产期检查, 支持, 并与太浩森林卫生系统协调分娩护理, 恩洛医疗中心, 班纳健康中心, 知名医院或其他任何病人要求的地方, 确保病人顺利交接.

足球外围平台的产科医生, 管理, and board of directors are grateful to our neighboring hospitals for their provision of care to our area’s delivering mothers and their 婴儿 during this time.
Updates regarding the new program’s development will be shared periodically throughout the diversion.




经过漫长而艰难的决定, Plumas区医院 will be on OB diversion and unable to deliver 婴儿 at our facility at least through September 1, 2022. 农村卫生设施, 其中包括美国各地的急救医院和农村健康诊所, are experiencing crises in regards to adequately staffing hospitals and clinics due to a high volume of nursing shortages.

It is not lost on us that we are the last Rural Health Facility to be able to offer OB services in California, and it is our passion and goal to be able to continue these important services for our community in some capacity. 为了给足球外围最靠谱的平台的病人和他们的家人提供安全和可持续的护理, 足球外围最靠谱的平台被迫寻找其他选择来照顾待产的母亲和她们的孩子.

目前, Plumas区医院 is working on collaborative agreements with other hospitals in the region to be able to provide a hybrid or team approach for pregnancy and delivery needs. It is our intention to continue to provide perinatal care for expecting mothers up to 36 weeks of pregnancy, 目的是将护理顺利转移到分娩. 足球外围最靠谱的平台正在研究如何最好地继续支持过渡, 认识到一些人有经济和交通方面的限制. It is also important to be able to 支持 families and new baby needs by providing follow up care in the Rural Health Clinic after baby arrives. All of our OB providers (Physicians and Midwife) are continuing to see OB patients in the Rural Health Clinic as well as newborns and pediatric patients.

Additionally Plumas区医院 is exploring other options to be able to provide birthing services. 让家人留在家乡是足球外围最靠谱的平台的目标. 足球外围最靠谱的平台有专门的工作人员负责护理协调和社区OB服务的未来.

病人 who have labor questions should follow up with their OB provider during business hours and use the emergency room for emergent questions after hours. Plumas区医院 Emergency Room will 支持 the emergent transfer of laboring patients to another facility and provide emergency OB care for those too far in labor to be transferred.

Delivering this news and facing the tough truth of the state of OB services in our community brings us great sadness. 然而, we will continue to be empathetic and want to be as helpful as possible in meeting our patients perinatal care needs. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we continue to work through what the future of OB will look like at Plumas区医院.

我相信你们中的许多人昨天在Plumas 新闻上读到了这个消息, 在此之前,我要提前向你们道歉. 周四的董事会会议将于中午12点开始,并向公众开放. 我鼓励任何有兴趣就OB发表公开意见的人参加. 一如既往,请不要犹豫,伸出援手. 我可以通过电子邮件和电话联系,感谢您的来信. 这是一个情绪化的话题,对足球外围最靠谱的平台很多人来说都是一个亲近而珍贵的话题.

正如我以前说过的,我充满希望,并致力于尝试一切. I still believe we can write a story different from so many other critical access hospitals across America and find a way to keep OB services in our community.


JoDee Read,首席执行官









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